• Send it.

    Send us a link to your service (Stream and/or IMAG)

  • Review and Coaching

    Our experts carefully review and critique your content with visual annotations and audio commentary

  • Receive It.

    Our team sends the reviewed video content back to you

  • Follow Up.

    Our team is available for follow up and questions

Here’s an example

Each directing evaluation video features a professional commentary with markups, suggestions, and ideas to improve your directing skills. Each assessment takes into account the skill level of your director, as well as the gear you are using.

In March of 2020, churches had to change their entire outlook on ministry. We had to rapidly adapt from a church building with attendees that may stream services…to a streaming church that sometimes has people attend the in-person. This paradigm shift has caused us to throw together whatever people and gear we have in order to accomplish a live stream in order to functionally continue In ministry. 

The way that your video is produced plays a huge role In the branding of your church. Think about the last time you watched a worship video from Hillsong or Elevation church. From the moment the video plays, there is a familiarity—a specific style and aesthetic that encapsulates that church. As with more typical church branding like logos, brand colors, and fonts, the way live video is directed speaks greatly to that brand. Video is a powerful medium that--when used correctly--can draw people in and engage an audience. When these Industry standard techniques are not followed, it can do the exact opposite--detract and distract.

Church will never be the same. We will never stop streaming. Invest in your team and maintain a great brand using the gear you have!