What is the last live broadcast you watched? Was it American Idol? A sports game? Wheel of Fortune? The news? A live concert from your favorite artist? What do all of these broadcasts have in common?
They capture moments and tell an enticing story.

Live video production, when executed well, is one of the most important branding and marketing tools a church (or any organization) can have.

How do these shows compare to your church's live stream? Are they on par? Or is there a drastic difference in production quality? While gear and budgets play a factor, they aren't the biggest game changer. Training and developing your crew is the key to elevating production value. You can have the best cameras, an incredible switcher, and fancy lenses, but your final product will be lackluster if your video director is not developed to their fullest potential.

Churches often tell us how desperate they are to have a full-time video pro on their team, yet they can’t afford the salary. Directing Academy can bring the same value as that full-time video pro without having to worry about the salary and benefits.

Brandon D. Marx, Founder of Directing Academy

Brandon D. Marx, Founder, Directing Academy


When I was just 15 years old, the local hospital was in need of a video to honor their volunteers. The director of the department assumed since I was computer savvy that I might be able to produce a video for their esteemed volunteers. She asked me and, having a hard time saying no to people, I said “yes” to something I had never before attempted. After a few weeks of hard work and learning from mentors, I finished shooting and editing the thank you video for the volunteers to watch at their annual luncheon. I loaded the tape machine at the venue and hit "play." After an unnerving 10 minutes, the video ended and the room was silent for what felt like an eternity. Then, came an eruption of applause and not a dry eye in the room. I had stumbled upon something that would change my life and career forever. Through the power of images and soundtrack, I could move hearts and transform lives.

I embarked on a journey of producing videos, documentaries, commercials, and short films. I took these experiences with me to film school in Los Angeles, solidifying my understanding of the nature and relevance of cinema. When I moved to Texas, I began a 12-year career at Gateway Church applying my background in cinema and studio work and diving into the live video production industry. I grew my own production company which opened doors to work with many studio and live event clients such as (JCPenney, TEDx, Texas Health Resources, IBM, SMU + more). I spent many years at Gateway behind the switcher directing multiple services every week, but eventually, I found my niche in a role that oversaw the creative craft and training of the church's many video teams. During this tenure, I realized the true key to incredible production value Is coaching and equipping our crew. Gateway's video team is comprised of 30+ people, in addition to the countless Gateway Network churches that we assist. Regardless of the gear and capabilities of the equipment, the video director's knowledge and skillset Is the most Important resource we have in achieving great cinematic and engaging outcomes. When we operate at our fullest potential, great things can happen.


Directing Academy Is a team of professional video directors who are passionate about training other video directors In their craft. Our team consists of broadcast industry professionals, church tech gurus, and production company owners. Each of our unique backgrounds offer an enormous resource to help your organization have the best possible video content.

Let’s keep in touch!